Business Management and Consultant Group | Artist Representation & Smithsonian Institute Recognition
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Artist Representation & Smithsonian Institute Recognition

Artist Representation & Smithsonian Institute Recognition

  • BMCG acts as an agent and public relations firm for entertainment and business clients in the acting, music, art, music, and literature fields.
  • Coordinated photoshoots in preparation for photographic innovations and collaborations to convert 35 mm photography into oil and water color style medium.
  • Assisted with the casting of the play & movie “Annie.”
  • Negotiated for an artist to have his paintings purchased as part of the “John Deere” corporate collection.
  • Presented manuscripts to major book publishers.
  • Presented original lyrics and music to major recording studio.
  • BMCG has represented authors, artists, actors and musicians. BMCG has assisted with book publications, casting and photoshoots that have made it into the Smithsonian institution.
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